The Toledo Repertoire has been a staple in theatre for Toledo for decades! It’s a classic theatre house also known as “the 10th Street stage” that has hosted entertainers for generations. It’s where I had my introduction to musical theatre - Pirates of Penzance being my first MT production. I can only hope that I can continue to also provide entertainment for decades to come.

Hometown: Toledo, Ohio
T.H.E. company member since 2019

How long have you been dancing?
Since I was born!... Almost 20 years.

T.H.E. brings the dance community and other artists together to bring entertainment throughout Toledo!
LISA: Courage

I dance because my soul simply cannot live without it. Performing for an audience, making a connection so that they FEEL something, is a rush that cannot be explained. Dance naturally teaches and reinforces countless admirable qualities - dedication, commitment, respect, patience, perseverance, teamwork, leadership, resilience, and courage are among the most important things I've learned and apply to everything else in life. Dance has molded me into the strong and fearless woman you see before you today.

Dancers are the athletes of God. -Martha Graham
RAPHEAL: Spirituality

Why did I choose my location?
I chose Trinity Church because of how beautiful and stunning the architecture is. THE Modern Dance Co had our fall show there and I fell in love with the space then. The beautiful and bold red doors of the church remind me of my Gram, red was her favorite color and she was a stunningly beautiful bold lady! I miss her! (You don’t have to put the I miss her part in there lol, I do miss her though!)
Hometown: Bowling Green, Ohio
T.H.E. company member since 2018

What does T.H.E have to offer the Toledo dance community?
Instilling a great passion of dance, while inspiring self-confidence , discipline and respect of the performing arts.

Why did you choose your location? What does it represent to you?
I chose my location because it was a place I felt free. I love plants, flowers, and being outdoors and this place just felt like peace to me. I had visited the Botanical Gardens for the first time the day before my shoot, and as soon as I started walking around, I knew I had made the right choice.

KELSEY: Perseverance

Why did you choose your location? What does it represent to you?
The Toledo Museum of Art is a widely known staple of the Toledo community. Not only do I love being surrounded by the art but I love feeling like more of a part of Toledo

“PERSEVERANCE: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.”
DARCIE: Change

What has been your experience with covid-19 shelter-at-home policy? How have you coped with quarantine?
I have always been a busy person who loves to be involved in many things at once. The most surreal part of this for me was having my schedule completely wiped out overnight! As a teacher, I am spending a lot of time figuring out distance learning and trying to connect with my students. I am coping with the quarantine by using my new free time to do things that I am always wishing I had more time to do, like read, cook, play piano, and spend time outside.

Why did you choose your location? What does it represent to you?
I chose the library because of my love for reading and teaching young children how to read. Libraries represent free, equitable access to knowledge and resources, and it is difficult to have places like this closed down during a time when it is so important to stay educated and informed. I am grateful that my students and I were able to enjoy a field trip here just weeks before the school closures!

Why do you dance? What does dancing mean to you?
I have been captivated by dance for as long as I can remember. I love the combination of athleticism and artistry and the variation of styles. I never get bored taking classes, teaching, watching dancers, or performing because dance is always evolving!
Hometown: Wauseon, Ohio
Lived in Toledo: 7 years
T.H.E. company member since 2020

What does T.H.E. have to offer the Toledo-area dance community?
I have been looking for a place like T.H.E. since I graduated from my college dance team. T.H.E offers opportunities for adults to stay involved in many different styles of dance and get to know other dancers within our community.
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”-Alan Watts

The biggest change to adjust to throughout this pandemic is being forced to SLOW DOWN. Overall, people just have less obligations and places to be, and that has been hard for me at times, especially in the beginning. I am grateful that T.H.E. has found ways to continue dancing and performing safely despite the pandemic. I feel less like myself when I'm not dancing. Dancing makes me feel centered, healthier, and more confident in my everyday life.
